📚 Dive into these 25 MUST READ books on Finance to level up your financial game!

From foundational principles to advanced strategies, these reads offer invaluable insights into the world of finance:

1) A Random Walk Down Wall Street – Burton Malkiel
This book will make you a better investor by understanding market efficiency.

2) Liar’s Poker – Michael Lewis
This book will make you a better observer of Wall Street culture and excess.

3) The Little Book of Behavioral Investing – James Montier
This book will make you a better decision-maker by exploring common biases.

4) The Psychology of Money – Morgan Housel
This book will make you a better steward of your finances by understanding the psychology behind money management.

5) The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason
This book will make you a better manager of personal finances through timeless principles.

6) The Ascent of Money – Niall Ferguson
This book will make you a better historian of financial evolution.

7) Value Investing and Behavioral Financing – Parag Parikh
This book will make you a better investor by integrating value investing principles with behavioral finance insights.

8) The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need – Andrew Tobias
This book will make you a better navigator of personal finance with practical advice.

9) The Big Short – Michael Lewis
This book will make you a better understanding of the 2008 financial crisis and the people who foresaw it.

10) One up on Wall Street – Peter Lynch
This book will make you a better stock picker by teaching you to identify promising companies.

11) The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham
This book will make you a better investor by emphasizing value investing principles.

12) The Warren Buffett Way – Robert G. Hagstrom
This book will make you a better investor by dissecting Warren Buffett’s investment philosophy.

13) Thinking, Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman
This book will make you a better decision-maker by exploring the psychology of judgment and decision-making.

14) Fooled by Randomness – Nassim Taleb
This book will make you a better risk manager by challenging common assumptions about randomness and chance.

15) The Black Swan – Nassim Taleb
This book will make you a better anticipator of rare and unpredictable events.

16) The Alchemy of Finance – George Soros
This book will make you a better understanding of George Soros’s investment strategies.

17) Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders – Jack D. Schwager
This book will make you a better trader by learning from the experiences of successful traders.

18) The Four Pillars of Investing – William Bernstein
This book will make you a better investor by providing a comprehensive framework for investment success.

19) Barbarians at the Gate – Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
This book will make you a better understanding of corporate takeovers and high finance.

20) Capital in the Twenty-First Century – Thomas Piketty
This book will make you a better understanding of economic inequality and its implications.

21) Financial Shenanigans – Howard M. Schilit, Jeremy Perler, Yoni Engelhart
This book will make you a better analyzer of financial statements by uncovering common tricks and traps.

22) The Most Important Thing – Howard Marks
This book will make you a better investor by emphasizing the importance of risk management.

23) Narrative and Numbers – Ashwath Damodaran
This book will make you a better valuation analyst by integrating storytelling with financial analysis.

24) When Genius Failed – Roger Lowenstein
This book will make you a better understanding of the rise and fall of Long-Term Capital Management.

25) Expectations Investing – Michael J. Mauboussin, Alfred Rappaport
This book will make you a better investor by focusing on the relationship between expectations and stock prices.

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